Welcome to the first Eagles Newsletter of 2020. We are just over half way through the season so wanted to share our news with everyone.
In this newsletter we will give :
An update on communications
Save the date
Details about the exciting February half term camp.
A review of the season so far.
Call for parents to help within the club.
Eagles girls successes with National Academy selections.
A report on fundraising activities.
Please keep an eye on the website www.eaglesnetball.com for updates on news, camps, events and match reports and of course, the date for the annual awards event in the summer.
Also follow us on twitter @Eagles_Netball
Save the Date - Amended!
Our Annual Awards event is likely to be held on Saturday 27th June. But this is still to be confirmed.
Half Term Netball Camp - 19th February 2020
Suitable for children in Years 3-7 and for all abilities.
Training provided by qualified and experienced coaching staff.
(assisted by Eagles/England Pathway Netball Players)
Location: The Marist Schools, Kings Rd, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 7PS
Date: Wednesday 19th February 2020
Time: 10am - 3pm
Cost : £30
This camp is open to everyone so please spread the word to anyone that maybe interested.
Review of the season so far
Senior Teams (all playing in the South Region League):
Senior 2
Senior 1 - top of the table and hoping to qualify for the promotion tournament (playoffs)
Senior 2 - 3rd in the league.
U19 - 2nd in the league.
Junior Teams:
U16 - 3rd in the South Region league.
U14 - 1st in the South Region league
The top two teams in the U14 and U16 South Region leagues progress to the national finals in May. Lets go Eagles!
U14B - 6th in the U16 Berkshire league
U13 - 1st in the South Region league.
U13B - 5th in the Berkshire league.
U12 - 3rd in the Berkshire league.
U11 - 2nd in the Berkshire league.
Year 3 & 4 the girls are working hard in training and having fun. The players of the future!
Please check the website, www.eaglesnetball.com , for up to date results and match reports .
Your Club needs you
As you may know, Eagles is run entirely on a volunteer basis. Apart from the coaches and team managers, there is a committee that sorts out all the ‘behind the scenes’ jobs that are essential for the smooth running of the club.
We are currently looking for more parents to get involved especially with fundraising, marketing and venue bookings. If you think you may have a skill set that the club could use and you are happy to devote a bit of time we would love to hear from you. None of the jobs are time consuming or onerous but as the saying goes more hands make light work!
Are you a qualified coach or umpire or are you interested in becoming qualified?We would love to hear from you; The club will support you in completing your training.
If you are even vaguely interested, please get in touch by talking to Maria or one of the other coaches.
We are delighted and proud to congratulate :
Libby Burgess on her selection to the U17 England National Academy and subsequently her selection to the U17 England Squad for the Netball Europe competition taking place in March 2020.
Libby is 16 and currently plays for the Eagles Senior 1st team. She has been part of our club since she was 13.
Charlotte Jennings-Evans on her selection to the Wales Under 21 long squad for 2020.
Charlotte is 17 and currently plays for Eagles Senior 2nd team and the U19 team. She has been part of our club for 4 years.
Eagles U14 Team's Fundraising Efforts.
Here is their report:
With a goal to raise £2000, the Eagles U14 team worked hard. Our biggest fundraiser was the Dinton Santa Dash. It was a very cold and dreary morning, but nevertheless, on the morning of the 14th of December, with no Saturday matches scheduled, we rolled out of bed, got dressed and met our teammates, along with hundreds of other ‘Santas’, at Dinton Country Park. With mud splattered all over our Santa outfits, we managed to finish the 5K run in fairly good time. Even the mums joined us on the run! The sun shone on us in the end. It was a run well worth the effort. We managed to raise £1675 through sponsorships! We also raised £350 in tip donations helping at the lovely Tina’s 50th party and over £600 selling Eagles water bottles, jewellery boxes and heart tins. We surpassed our goal!
We still have more items to sell if anyone is interested.
Please contact Heather (Baldwintanner@aol.com) for water bottles (£10) and Claire (claire.tallis@gmail.com) for jewellery boxes (£20), heart tins (£5) and pencil cases (£10).
Thank you U14s! These monies are a fantastic team effort and will go towards supporting you all at the Nationals. As a club we endeavour to keep our subs low to ensure all girls have the opportunity to play netball and therefore this amazing amount of money is very welcome - it certainly shows what a close team they are.
Eagles Netball Club, Altwood Road, Maidenhead, England, SL6, United Kingdom