Eagles 1 v Dreams

Final Score: Eagles 62 v Dreams 54 (W)

Going into this game sitting top of the table, we knew our game against Dreams, second in the table, was going to be tough and it didn’t disappoint. They came out hard and fast, and we started the game trailing 3 goals behind. But with an early change, we settled in and had time to counter-attack finishing the first quarter one goal up (14-13).

The rest of the game went goal for goal, with Eagles falling behind by 4 or 5 goals at one point. But with a 30-30 scoreline at half time it was all to play for. Changes were made in the defensive end to try and shake up the attacking rotations of Dreams but at the end of Q3 we were trailing 43-45.

Heading into Q4 we knew it would be a game of fitness and mental toughness. With the Dreams bench making themselves heard, we continued to trail but in the last 5 minutes, we shone through. We capitalised on their errors and a surge of goals took us ahead, defensively we challenged everything we could. Dreams lost their focus and they were exposed, we took our chances, turned over balls and the attacking end kept their calm and the goals rolled in.

We knew those 5 points were up for grabs to consolidate our top spot in the league at the season half-way points, and through sheer grit and determination, we won the game 62-54.

It was a fast and incredibly physical game, contested to the end but everyone pulled together. At times it wasn’t pretty, but we worked together with solid defence and hot shooting from Kirtsy, who was nominated a thoroughly deserved players player.

Due to illness and injuries we had new combinations who all settled in with each other quickly and we supported each other to finish half-way through the season 10 points clear.